Gas vapor lock
Gas vapor lock

gas vapor lock

Often times, it would appear the ones that should be receiving the advice do not want to accept what the facts are! That's OK in my view because it is indeed a "safe place" here.


well from my vantage point, it does not very often if some one truly knows how to properly diagnose. With regard to your comment about carburetors getting blamed for ignition problems. Now that does seem kinda petty, don'tcha think? Again, what's the use? Maybe the difference is you don't like my comment because my opinion does not align with your views. So I guess it is OK for him to say something controversial however you feel like it is improper for me to making an equally controversial reply in jest. I believe Paul used that opening line with tongue in cheek to antagonistically engage in a topic that he knew would likely draw a grin from most. Sometimes I walk away and just say "What's the use!!" Maybe now is one of those instances.

gas vapor lock

to the point where folks get very vocal arguing that vapor lock is real in a stock Model-A. Marc, my comment comes because I have been verbally chastised here on numerous occasions offering my opinion.


Hence, members who believe that 'Vapor Lock" is a problem should be as free to post the comments as those who have trouble with electron flow. I regard this forum as a "safe place" where you can discuss problems and such with your car. For example, how many times does the carburator get blamed for ignition problems ! "Vapor Lock" has been blamed as a cause of other real problems in the past, but so has many other things at first. I agree that Brent posts very helpful comments.however, the use of 'Vapor Lock" in this discussion by the original post and follow on comments by Brent comes across as a needless "snarky" comment. Just thought I'd put this out here, don't know if it works because I did not had vapor lock issues. My thought was about trying to keep manifold and pipe heat away from the carburetor. It fits as close to the valve cover and carburetor linkage as possible and extends below the exhaust clamp and carburetor inlet by about 4 ". It mounts to the left 'through' manifold bolt and one exhaust clamp double nut. So, just for the heck of it, I made sure the fuel line had a downward slope to the carburetor and I made a little heat shield out of some heavy roof flashing. Its been mentioned that maybe ethanol is a cause. Its certainly real on other types of vehicles. Vapor lock has been discussed ' at length'. I don't think that was one of Fords better ideas. If you want to turn off the fuel every day then walking around the car to open the hood can be a real PITA. I don't think one can blame Paul for installing the electric shut-off.

Gas vapor lock